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NarpsUK is the National Associates of Registered Pet Sitters. NarpsUK provides this site as a service to pet owners and pet sitters to enable them to make contact and conduct business. The directory and postcode search and its contents are offered in good faith. Reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the information and NarpsUK does not accept responsibility for any errors or omissions in the details listed. Classified entries by pet sitters do not imply any form of recognition, recommendation or guarantee of the company or the products and services provided. Pet Owners are advised to check any information offered in the profile to their own satisfaction before relying upon it.

Any agreement or contract made between Pet Owners and Pet Sitters is at the both parties own risk and liability. NarpsUK has no liability and will not enter into any negotiation or disputes between either party. Although NarpsUK offers their members a code of practice, it should be noted that this is voluntary and not compulsory. Pet Owners it is your own responsibility to ensure you are satisfied with any pet sitter you select and any agreement is strictly between the pet owner and the pet sitter.

Key Joining Benefits:
  • Members Database