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Full Membership Registration
Just fill in the fields below to register an account with Find a Local Pet Sitter, if there is payment to be made you will be taken to the checkout page once registration is completed. All fields and information on your profile is editable, once you log into your account page in the members area just click the 'Manage Profile' tab.

Account Login Details

Please provide a unique username and password which you can use to login to Find a Local Pet Sitter. Your profile URL will also reflect your chosen username.
Username: *
Password: *

Personal Information

Please fill in all the fields below, any fields marked (*) are required. This information is especially useful for public profile's - make sure your address and postcode are correct!
First Name: *
Surname: *
Address Line 1: *
Address Line 2:
Town: *
Post Code: *
Telephone: *
Email Address: *
Repeat Email Address: *

Company Details

Company Name:

Profile Setup

This information can be modified later, but you may specify some profile options now if you choose.
Profile visible to public:
Please tick boxes for the services you offer
Home Dog Boarding:
Home Cat Boarding:
Home Small Animal Boarding:
House Sitting:
Dog Walking:
Doggie Day Care:
Pop In Service to Feed Animals:
Pet Transport:
Please write your profile in the box below for prospective pet owners to enable them to establish whether you are suitable to place their pet with.
e.g. number and age of children living at home, size of your garden and is it secure?, is your accommodation spacious or small do you own a pet of your own, do you have a local park to walk a dog, what kind of pets you think will be best suited for you and your family, how flexible you are, do you mix pets together, do you have any other pets, how experienced are you in pet boarding, could they come and visit you first, are you happy to give medication etc.
View Examples of Pet Sitters Profiles

Captcha Security Check

please repeat the numbers displayed in the captcha security image shown below.
security code

Complete Registration

please check that you have entered all the details above as correctly as possible, accounts with incorrect information may have trouble using the features of this website.
Click here to Read Terms & Conditions
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Key Joining Benefits:
  • Members Database